about us
Business Chinese Demo
  Learner: Business people who have learned about 100 hours of basic course of daily Chinese, can make a daily communication in Chinese. Objective: Make learners master the common used Chinese vocabulary and sentences in the office environment.
  • Li Tingting
  • Li Tingting
    Ms. Li is currently teaching Chinese language in Beijing Foreign Studies University...... Details

Course chapter

  • Lesson 1
    介绍 Introduce (One)
  • Lesson 2
    介绍 Introduce(Two)
  • Lesson 3
    介绍 Introduce(Three)
  • Lesson 4
    钱和时间 Money and Time(One)
  • Lesson 5
    钱和时间 Money and Time(Two)
  • Lesson 6
    钱和时间 Money and Time(Three)
  • Lesson 7
    预约 Make an Appointment(One)
  • Lesson 8
    预约 Make an Appointment(Two)
  • Lesson 9
    商务宴请 Business Banquets(One)
  • Lesson 10
    商务宴请 Business Banquets(Two)
  • Lesson 11
    出行 Trip(One)
  • Lesson 12
    出行 Trip(Two)
  • Lesson 13
    出行 Trip(Three)
  • Lesson 14
    汇报、布置工作 Report and Arrange Work(One)
  • Lesson 15
    汇报、布置工作 Report and Arrange Work(Two)
  • Lesson 16
    日程安排 Schedule(One)
  • Lesson 17
    日程安排 Schedule(Two)
  • Lesson 18
    请假、迟到 Ask for Leave and Be Late(One)
  • Lesson 19
    请假、迟到 Ask for Leave and Be Late(Two)
  • Lesson 20
    办公用品 Office Supplies


  • Ideal Virtual Classroom

    Video, images, sound, text; synchronous transmission, Media/Real/Flash, audio effects - free for you to choose.

  • Flexibility and Convenience

    Breaking through time and space constraints, you can learn Chinese whenever and wherever you choose with a tailored pace.

  • Expert Faculty

    Our Chinese teachers have rich experience and a good understanding of foreign learners' thinking patterns; they will show you an amazing way of learning Chinese.